
The problem...

You are on a great adventure, deep in the rabbit-hole, chasing magical blobs. You collect them and proudly keep them caged in a display case.

But along your journey the display case has empty slots, and they're looking at you.

And they look sad...

The solution...

Introducing the Slotter! Surely something is better than nothing... right?

Fill your slots with otters*! The perfect solution to a problem that does not exist.

  • Soft enamel pin badge (minus the pin - for improved safety & maximised futility!)
  • Makes your display case 3% happier
  • It's not nothing!
  • It is something!

*Contains no otters (0).


  • Soft enamel pin badge - black dye plating
  • 19 x 19 x 4mm
  • Four shades of grey. Pantone colours used were; 441, 442, 444, 446 (plus black & white).
  • Fits most display cases - My extensive scientific experiments have revealed that it fits snugly in a Cephalopod Bizzare120, MAK Wongbox+ (metal version, pictured) and Digital Carpentry's 10x10. However it did not fit inside the Wongbox 3D printed version due to their slots having more rounded corners. Any feedback on Slotter slottage is appreciated.
  • There's an engraving on the back of the Slotter that's barely worth mentioning.
  • And if you still need more convincing, I upgraded the product cards (see photo below) to have a 'velvet smooth' finish.


This is not a keycap. This 'product' serves no purpose other than filling an empty slot in your artisan display case. You could easily achieve the same results by using human teeth, your wife’s earrings or the eyeballs of your favourite water-dwelling mammal...

Anyway, I really like it. I'd love to share it with anyone crazy enough to want one.